Sunday 10 January 2016

4 Ways to Optimize Pinterest Content for Engagement and SEO

Are you making the most out of Pinterest? Sure, you have a presence there, but are your Pins the most appealing they could be visually? Are they being re-Pinned to boards that help or hurt your brand? Is your Pinterest profile as strong as it should be from an SEO perspective?
These are big questions that you might not be asking yourself, but that can go a long way towards boosting your Pinterest endeavors, web conversions, and, ultimately, purchases.

Optimize by Color
Optimizing your Pins by color is easy if you have the right tool. For instance, our new Pinterest Channel Report can tell you which colors in your Pins get you the most engagement in sum, and also engagement per Pin.
This kind of insight can help you optimize speedily, especially if you’re creating content specifically for Pinterest.
What You Should Do: Understand which colors work best for your Pins, then plan a suite of Pinterest content using that color as a jumping-off point.

Optimize by Boards
How are your Pinterest boards doing? By this I mean:
  • Which of your boards have the most followers?
  • Which of your boards generate the most engagement?
  • Which of your boards receive the most Likes, specifically? Comments? Repins?
By looking at all your board statistics in one place (like you can in our new Pinterest Channel Report), you can see which boards need TLC and which are doing just fine, thankyouverymuch. You can also get a good idea of which Pins best fit the Pinterest climate
and tastes.
For example, maybe your home interior design boards are most popular, but your primary goal currently is to generate interest for you restaurant interior design boards. Once understand the reality of what folks are attracted to vs. what you want them to be attracted to, you’ll be able to figure out which elements you need to tweak to find the sweet spot for success.
What You Should Do: First thing’s first: find out which of your boards are most popular. If there’s a disparity between your most popular boards and your desired target audience, make the necessary tweaks and keep track of how the boards your board statistics evolve over time depending on the Pins you throw up there.
Create new spin-off boards based on your most popular boards for wider, more successful brand exposure.
Finally, reach out to the Pinners who love your boards the most. These are your super fans — and potential brand advocates. Form influencer partnerships with these Pinners, and/or ask them to guest Pin for your boards to increase exposure for your brand.

Optimize by SEO
Another way to increase your brand’s discoverability is to optimize your Pinterest profile for SEO, so that when someone Googles your topic of expertise, your brand’s Pinterest profile is one of the first search results.
What You Should Do: Make sure your Pinterest profile (and Pins) do the following:
  • Include your business name is in the account name and username (duh)
  • Include relevant SEO keywords in your brand description, but still stylishly rep your brand personality
  • Include searchable keywords in alt text on the images you pull from your website
  • Use  Pinterest autocomplete function to formulate excellent long-tail keywords for relevant Pins
  • Use the Google Keyword Planner to look for promising long-tail keywords you would like ranked, then head to Pinterest and see if there are already boards ranked for that keyword. If not, create a new board using these keywords
Optimize by Links

According to 
this Pinterest/Shopify 2015 infographic, Pinterest is a key social network for generating a ton of traffic, and not just any ol’ traffic — quality traffic.
shopify pinterest
I’m guessing your brand wants a piece of that, so make sure the links for all your Pins are still working: if you’re trying to generate web conversions from Pinterest, it won’t work if you’re sending folks to dead ends.
What You Should Do: Conduct a monthly audit of all your Pins to make sure that all links are active.

Pinterest Is Ever-Evolving
Pinterest is updating rapidly, with a new kind of visual search and buyable pins rolled out to most users with major brands like Nordstrom and Macy’s on board. Keep current on the latest Pinterest developments by checking the Simply Measured blog regularly for news and always-strategic tips.
To view the original article Click Here

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